
Krolevets region folk music • Mutyn village Women folk choir • Ukraine

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DVD "As I go along the meadow" is released. Women folk choir, village Mutyn...

CD "As the cuckoo sang" is released. Folk choir "Oberigh", Grechkyne village >>...

Videos of the choir are available
(opens in a new window) >>...

CD_3 "Over the green meadow" is released. Women folk choir, village Mutyn >>...

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(News archive...)

CD, DVD - list of songs

If you downloaded the songs and liked them, please, donate to support the project


DVD_1 "As I go along the meadow" (2008)

DVD_1 "As I go along the meadow" (2008)

Ukrainian folk songs sung a capella.

   Video recording was done on the 29th December 2007 near the local Mutyn village House of culture and on the 5th October 2008 on the bank of a beatiful river Seym.

   It contains sounds of natural environment, such as geese, river floating, light wind blowing - the sounds that bring special atmosphere into genuine folk singing!

   You can watch demos here:

  1. Tse bulo na Sumshchyni (*It was in Sumy province)
  2. Oy, ty misyatsyu (*Oh, you are the Moon...)
  3. Yak pidu ya ponad lugom (*As I go along the meadow)
  4. Oy, ty nichen'ko (*Oh, you, the night...)
  5. Oy, sama ya sama (*Oh, I'm alone, without a husband)
  6. Oy, bida, podrujen'ky (*Oh, I'm in trouble, my friends)
  7. Ishov kozak z Donu (*Cossack was coming back from Don-river)
  8. Oy, u poli krynychen'ka (*Oh, there's a well in the field)
  9. Kolo mlyna Kremenyna (*Near the Kremenin's mill)
  10. Da bula zyma, da bula lyuta (*Oh, it was fierce winter)
  11. Ty krapyva, ty zelenen'kaya (*Oh, you, green nettle)
  12. Tuman yarom kotyt'sya (*The fog's rolling down the valley)
  13. **Shcho po tim botsi stavok (*There's a pool on the other side

Total time 36’

**Song 13 is recorded with Grechkyne village folk choir "Oberigh"

Price excluding postage - 12€

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CD_3 "Over the green meadow" (2008)

CD_3 "Over the  green meadow" (2008)

Ukrainian folk songs sung a capella.
     Tracks 22, 24 contain songs accompanied on
     bayan (button-accordion)

  1. Ponad lugom zelenen'kym (*Over the green meadow)
  2. Iz-za gory, z-za krytoyi (*From behind the steep mountain)
  3. Brosay, Petre, jinku (*Leave, Peter, your wife)
  4. Chogo ne pryyshov, yak misyats' ziyshov (*Why didn’t you come, when the moon had risen)
  5. (*There was guelder rose in the meadow)
  6. Misyachenko blidnesenky (*Oh, you, pale moon)
  7. Divchynonko nezamijnya (*Unmarried girl, don’t love a noblemen)
  8. Usi gory zeleniyut' (*All mountains are covered with green)
  9. Vse posohlo, vse povyalo (*Everything dried up, everything faded)
  10. A v poli bereza, a v poli kudryava (*There’s a birch in the field)
  11. Oy, za mostom, mostom (*Oh, there, behind the bridge)
  12. Vyryadzhala maty dochku (*Mother was saying goodbye to her daughter)
  13. (*In the field, on the hill)
  14. Ne sumuy, ne sumuy ty, divchyno (*Don’t be sad, young girl)
  15. Marusya-Marusya (*Marusya, I miss you)
  16. V kolgospi robyla (*As I worked in kolkhoz)
  17. (*Oh, you, my hop)
  18. Yakby meni petuhy (*If I’d have roosters)
  19. Oy, u poli verba (*Oh, there’s a willow in the field)
  20. Oy, hmarytsya, doshch bude (*It will rain, for clouds gather)
  21. V subotu piznesen'ko (*Late on Saturday)
  22. Oy, pidemo, jinko, u pole oraty(*Let’s go, my wife, to plough the field)
  23. Oy, ty misyatsyu, ya ziron'ka yasnaya (*Oh, you are the moon, I’m a bright star)
  24. (*Cabbage and seeding)
  25. Tyho nad richkoyu Seymom (*It is silent on the Seym river)

Total time 78’18

Songs - 5, 13, 17, 24 - are available for download as 96kbps mp3 files

Price excluding postage - 12€

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CD_2 "I dreamt a cherry garden..." (2007)

CD_2 "I dreamt a cherry garden..." (2007)

Ukrainian folk songs sung a capella

  1. Cherez pole, chy lisok (*Through the field, through the forest)
  2. (*An owl was flying)
  3. Oy, gore tiy chaytsi (*Oh, the gull was in grief)
  4. Da bula zyma, da bula lyuta (*Oh, it was fierce winter)
  5. (*As she was picking up flowers in the garden)
  6. Kolo mlyana Kremenyna (*Near the Kremenin's mill)
  7. (*Kalina-malina berry, why don't you flourish?)
  8. Ne sama ya zrosla, yak bylynon'ka v poli (*I didn't grew lonely as a grass-leaf in the field)
  9. (*Vanya was telling)
  10. Ishov kozak z Donu (*Cossack was coming back from Don-river)
  11. Doshch ide ta doshch ide (*It's raining)
  12. Shcho v sadu-sadochku dorijka rivna (*There is a straight path in the garden)
  13. Oy, ustanu ya v ponedilok (*As I awake on Monday)
  14. Ty, krapyva, ty zelenen'kaya (*Oh, you, green nettle)
  15. Oy, koly b toy vechir (*Oh, if it'd be the evening)
  16. Udaryla, oy, hvylya hvylyu ob krutiyi berega (*As waves hit the steep river's bank)
  17. Oy, hodyla Mashen'nka po sadochku (*As small Masha was walking in the garden)
  18. Po toy bik gora, po cey bik druga (*Mountain's on one side, mountain's on the other)
  19. Rozvyvaysya barvinochku (*Grow, periwinkle!)
  20. Sadok vyshnevy meni nasnyvsya (*I dreamt a cherry garden)
  21. (*Oh, there lived a widow in Podil for seven years)
  22. Viter viye, a sonechko griye (*Wind's blowing, the sun's warming)
  23. Vylitala galka z zelenogo gayka (*Jackdaw was flying out from the green grove)
  24. Vyryadzhala maty dochku (*As mother was saying goodbye to daughter)
  25. Zazhurylasya moloda udivon'ka (*A young widow was in grief)
  26. Zirvu z rozy kvitku (*As I pick up the rose)
  27. Divchynon'ka plache, kozak vidyizhdzhaye (*A girl is crying, cossack is leaving)

Total time 77’21

Songs - 2,5,7,9,21 - are available for download as 96kbps mp3 files

Price excluding postage - 12€

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CD_1 "A bright star's rolling down the sky..." (2006)

CD_1 "A bright star's rolling down the sky..." (2006)

Ukrainian folk songs sung a capella

  1. Tuman yarom kotyt'sya (*The fog's rolling in the valley)
  2. V mene bat'ko, yak kvit (*My father's like a blossom)
  3. (*As I go along the street)
  4. Kotylasya yasna zorya z neba (*A bright star was falling from the skies)
  5. (*Ivanechko's thinking hard)
  6. Moya maty na bazar yizdylya (*My mother was at the market)
  7. Z-za hmary misyats' vyplyvaye (*The Moon is floating from behind the clouds)
  8. (*Oh, you, thick woods)
  9. (*Beyond the woods)
  10. Oy, ty vyshen'ko, ty chereshen'ko (*Oh, you, cherry tree)
  11. Kosyv kozak travu (*As cossack was cutting the grass)
  12. Pora, maty, zhyto zhaty (*The time to mow the rye, mother)
  13. Oy, shcho u poli krynychen'ka (*Oh, there was a well in the field)
  14. Kucheryava bereza (*Curly birch tree)
  15. Oy, shcho u poli try dorijky rizno (*Oh, there were three paths in a field)
  16. (*I will plant tall hop)
  17. Shcho v sadochku dva tsvitochky (*There were two flowers in the garden)
  18. (*Sun’s going down, Moon rises up)
  19. Oy, hvalyvsya da lyubystochok (*Oh, lovage plant was boasting)
  20. Oy, na gori ta suhyy dub (*Oh, there’s a dry oak on the hill)
  21. Poduy-poduy, buyny viterochok (*Blow a little, a wild wind!)
  22. (*Oh, I’m alone, without a husband)
  23. Vyydu ya na richku (*As I step on the bank of the river)
  24. Yak pryyihav miy mylen'ky z polya (*As my dear man came back home)
  25. Shcho za misyac', shcho za yasny (*What a Moon, how bright it is!)
  26. Na bazar ya hodyla (*As I was at the market)
  27. (*Bright Moon’s in the sky)

Total time 73’21

Songs - 3,5,8,9,16,18,22,27 - are available for download as 96kbps mp3 files

Price excluding postage - 12€

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©2004-2024 Volodymyr Kurylenko
For any use of songs (except for listening at home) including demos, please ask permission of Volodymyr Kurylenko
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