
Krolevets region folk music • Mutyn village Women folk choir • Ukraine

If you have possibility, please, support this project. Every single euro (dollar) counts!

Donate in $
Donate in €

Payment on bank account in the Netherlands can be an option. Details - through e-mail


DVD "As I go along the meadow" is released. Women folk choir, village Mutyn...

CD "As the cuckoo sang" is released. Folk choir "Oberigh", Grechkyne village >>...

Videos of the choir are available
(opens in a new window) >>...

CD_3 "Over the green meadow" is released. Women folk choir, village Mutyn >>...

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(News archive...)

Still to come...

  1. there will be more pictures on the web site
  2. more recordings, also with singing from other villages
  3. a video film - documentary about daily life of simple villagers - the last ones who still sing Ukrainian folk songs not for profession, but for mere life need

Looking for help

The best is to buy a CD. Otherwise, please support the project by small contribution.

©2004-2024 Volodymyr Kurylenko
For any use of songs (except for listening at home) including demos, please ask permission of Volodymyr Kurylenko
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