
Krolevets region folk music • Mutyn village Women folk choir • Ukraine

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DVD "As I go along the meadow" is released. Women folk choir, village Mutyn...

CD "As the cuckoo sang" is released. Folk choir "Oberigh", Grechkyne village >>...

Videos of the choir are available
(opens in a new window) >>...

CD_3 "Over the green meadow" is released. Women folk choir, village Mutyn >>...

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(News archive...)

Video (11 songs)

Mutyn village women folk choir performs:

Ukrainian folk song "Oy, ty misyatsyu" (*Oh, you are the moon, I'm a bright star)

Recorded on 4th October 2008 on the bank of pictorial river Seym (Seim), that streams past village Mutyn


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Ukrainian folk song "Yak pidu ya ponad lugom" (*As I go along the meadow)


Ukrainian folk song "Tse bulo na Sumshchyni" (*It was in Sumy province)


Ukrainian folk song "Ishov kozak z Donu" (*Cossack was coming back from Don-river)


Ukrainian folk song "Oy, ty nichenko" (*Oh, you, the night...)


Ukrainian folk song "Oy, u poli krynychenka" (*Oh, there's a well in the field)


Ukrainian folk song "Oy, sama ya, sama" (*Oh, Im alone, without a husband)


Recorded on 29 December 2007 near Mutyn village House of culture

Ukrainian folk song "Da bula zyma, da bula lyuta" (*Oh, it was fierce winter)


Ukrainian folk song "Kolo mlyna Kremenyna" (*Near the Kremenyn's mill)


Ukrainian folk song "Ty krapyva, ta zelenenkaya" (*Oh, you, green nettle)


Ukrainian folk song "Tuman yarom kotytsya" (*The fog's rolling in the valley)

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©2004-2024 Volodymyr Kurylenko
For any use of songs (except for listening at home) including demos, please ask permission of Volodymyr Kurylenko
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