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Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part VIII
Anthologie des compositions pour l'accordéon bouton. Partie VIII

Language: Russian-English
Number of pages: 158

Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced

Bass: FREE


Vladislav Zolotaryov. Six Children Suites for Accordion (Bayan)

Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 1 Video of this piece bellow on page

   1. Minstrels at the Court
   2. Mashenka's Sighs
   3. Jester Playing on a Squeeze-Box
   4. That Queer Thing from Düsseldorf
   5. Toy Soldiers' March

Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 2

   1. Awakening
   2. A Stroll
   3. Melancholy Ditty
   4. Game
   5. Prankish Tom-Cat
   6. Dolls' Waltz
   7. Matryoshkas' Dance

Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 3

   1. (Little Tune)
   2. (Loneliness)
   3. (Complaint)
   4. (At the Lawn)

Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 4

   1. The Repercussions of the Theatre Video of this piece bellow on page
   2. Meditation Video of this piece bellow on page
   3. Bagatelle
   4. Antique Clock Video of this piece bellow on page
   5. Magic Box Video of this piece bellow on page

Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 5 Video of this piece bellow on page

   1. Karabas-Barabas
   2. Thumberlina
   3. Toy Ship
   4. Christmas Carol
   5. Oriental Tune and Dance

Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 6 Video of this piece bellow on page

   1. Winter Morning
   2. In the Country
   3. Baggipes
   4. Dusk
   5. Tararushki

Vladislav Zolotaryov. Ispaniada (Spanish Rhapsody). Edited for accordion (bayan) by F.Lips Video of this piece bellow on page
(Original Autograph of Ispaniada by Vladislav Zolotaryov is here)

Alexander Timoshenko. Russian Suite Video of this piece bellow on page

   1. Quadrille
   2. Singing and Dancing in a Ring
   3. Quiet Tune and Daring Dance
   4. Stradaniya
   5. Topotukha

Yury Shishakov. Uglich Pictures

Kirill Volkov. Sonata No. 1 Video of this piece bellow on page

Nikolai Chaikin. Contrapuntal Suite (Poliphonic Suite)


*Price: 25 €

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Sheet music from the series "Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion" for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part I click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part II click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part III click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part IV
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part I
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part II
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part III
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part IV
click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part V click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part VI click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part VII click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part VIII
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part V
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part VI
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part VII
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part IX Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part X
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part IX
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part X

Video demo: Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 1. Performed by Friedrich Lips, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 1. Performed by Alexandr Scliarov, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 1. Performed by Yury Vostrelov, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 4. Parts 1) The Repercussions of the Theatre, 2) Meditation, 4) Antique Clock, 5) Magic Box.
Performed by R.Semeryak, accordion

Video demo: Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 5. Parts 1) Karabas-Barabas, 2) Thumberlina, 4) Christmas Carol.
Performed by Nikolai Chubsa, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 4.
1) Winter Morning (Suite No.6 in this edition)
2) In the Country (Suite No.6 in this edition)
3) Meditation (Suite No.4 in this edition)
4) Oriental Tune and Dance (Suite No.5 in this edition)
5) Sad Little Song ("Christmas Carol" - Suite No.5 in this edition)
6) The Repercussions of the Theatre (Suite No.4 in this edition)
7) Toy Ship (Suite No.5 in this edition)
8) Tararushki (Suite No.6 in this edition)
Performed by Vyacheslav Galkin, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Vladislav Zolotaryov. Suite No. 6. Performed by Victor Romanko, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Vladislav Zolotaryov. Ispaniada (Spanish Rhapsody). Performed by Sergey Naiko, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Vladislav Zolotaryov. Ispaniada (Spanish Rhapsody). Performed by Tommi Tuikka, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Alexandr Timoshenko. Russian Suite. Performed by Yury Sidorov, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Кirill Volkov. Sonata No. 1. Performed by Yury Gurevich, accordion (bayan)

FOREWORD to 1991 year Anthology VIII edition

Part Eight of the "Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion" contains some modern-style pieces of this country's accordion music of the seventies. The novelty of writing makes itself felt, first and foremost, in the composers' approach to the folklore material, with a special interest in those genres of musical folklore which had never before been reflected in the concert accordionist's repertoire. In this connection, attention should be drawn to the First Sonata by K. Volkov, where effective use is made of age-old dirges, wails, ritual songs, calendar tunes. Another instance of "neo-folklorism" is the Russian Suite by A. Timoshenko, who chose to turn to some more recent types of Russian folk music, based on the viable formulas of conventional tonality, - stradaniya (rural amorous "sighs"), Russian quadrille, topotukha (a "stamping" dance, Voronezh Region), etc.

An altogether different trend is exemplified in the innovatory Six Children's Suites by Vladislav Zolotaryov, each of which is an impressive set of character pieces, positively Russian in melopoeia, somehow or other resembling the well-known children's albums for piano by P. Tchaikovsky, S. Prokofiev, G. Sviridov, as well as the analogous button accordion cycles by N. Chaikin and K. Myas-kov. The suites are amazingly diverse in content. Melancholy, joy, humour, magic...

A new word in our accordion music was Vladislav Zolotaryov's Hispaniad. The Spanish motifs in Russian music constitute a special chapter of its history; suffice it to refer to the Spanish overtures Jota aragonesa and "A Night in Madrid" by M. Glinka, or to N. Rimsky-Korsakov's Spanish Capriccio, or to the "Spanish Songs" of D. Shostakovich. In Zolotaryov, the vivid Spanish guitaresques, with their spirited dance patterns evoking colourful landscapes, are in the most interesting manner translated into the texturally rich and sumptuous language of the modern button accordion.

Besides, the volume includes remarkable compositions of our classics of accordion music. The Contrapuntal Suite by N. Chaikin appreciably differs in style and aesthetics from his previous works; the "Uglich Pictures" by Yu. Shishakov, proficiently embodying the wealth of Russian folklore, were written for the "World Cup" International Competition (Eindhoven, Holland, 1977).

Here is some information about the composers: -

Zolotaryov, Vladislav Andreyevich (1942-75), composer. Graduated from the class of N. A. Lesnoi (button accordion) at the Magadan Secondary School of Music in 1968. Studied composition under the guidance of R. K. Shchedrin (by way of consultation, 1968-69), and with T. N. Khrennikov (at the Moscow Conservatoire, 1971-72). - An oratorio ("Monument to the Revolution"), large-scale and chamber orchestral compositions, string quartets, vocal music. - His works for button accordion rank exceptionally high in the repertoire of those cultivating the modern-type multitimbral fixed-and-freebass instrument.

Timoshenko, Alexander Afanasyevich (b. 1942), composer, teacher, concert performer. Graduated from the class of V. P. Kuzovlev (button accordion) at the Gnesins Institute of Music, Moscow, in 1971; studied (optionally) composition with Yu. N. Shishakov. Member of the USSR Composers Union (since 1987). Assistant Professor at the Voronezh Institute of the Arts. - Orchestral and solo compositions for Russian folk instruments.

Shishakov, Yuri Nikolayevich (b. 1925), composer, teacher. Graduated from the Gnesins Institute of Music in 1948. Thereat, head of the Department of Folk Instruments (1966 - 74), Professor (since 1949). Honoured Master of the Arts of the RSFSR (1971). - An oratorio ("Songs of the Village of Shushenskoye"), two symphonies,ensemble and solo compositions for Russian folk instruments. Pedagogical writings; "A Course in Instrumentation for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra". - He made a valuable contribution to the cause of building up the repertoire of Russian folk instruments orchestras, and to that of solo performers on the instruments of that category.

Volkov, Kirill Yevgenyevich (b. 1943), composer, teacher. Graduated from the class of A. I. Khachaturyan (composition) at the Moscow Conservatoire in 1967, and from the latter's master class thereat in 1969. Since 1967, editor at the Sovetsky Kompozitor publishing house. In 1969 - 75, instructor in instrumentation at the Gnesins Institute of Music, Moscow. In 1970 - 88, instructor in instrumentation and composition at the Moscow Conservatoire. Since, 1988, head of the Composition Department at the Gnesins Institute of Music, Moscow; Assistant Professor. From 1979 to 1989, Secretary of the Board, RSFSR Composers Union. Honoured Master of the Arts of the RSFSR (1988). - Three operas, two symphonies, chamber and vocal music; Concerto for button accordion and symphony orchestra; three sonatas for button accordion.

Chaikin, Nikolai Yakovlevich (b. 1915), composer, teacher. Graduated from the Kiev Conservatoire in 1940; studied composition (under the guidance of L. N. Revutsky, B. S. Kosenko, and B. N. Lyatoshinsky) and the piano (with A. N. Lufer). From 1951 to 1964, instructor at the Folk Instruments Department of the Gnesins Institute of Music, Moscow. Since 1964, on the staff of the Gorky Conservatoire (since 1972, Professor). Member of the USSR Composers Union (since 1944). Honoured Master of the Arts of the RSFSR (1980). - Numerous compositions for symphony orchestra, Russian folk instruments orchestra, brass band, light orchestra; choral and chamber music; solo compositions for various instruments. "A Course in Score Playing (Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra)". - His works for button accordion constitute a highly important chapter in the history of accordion music. - His Ukrainian Suite was a required item on the programme of the " World Cup" International Competition (Bruges, Belgium, 1971).

M. Imkhanitsky, F. Lips
Tr.: V. Yerokhin

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.