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Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part VII
Anthologie des compositions pour l'accordéon bouton. Partie VII

Language: Russian-English
Number of pages: 158

Bass: FREE

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Vladislav Zolotaryov. Sonata No. 3. For Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

V.Zubitsky. Carpathian Suite. For Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Five Popular Russian Prints. Suite for Accordion (Bayan)

   Shrovetide Festivities
   The Merry Andrew and the Bear
   Instrumental Folk Tune
   Mischievous Countrywomen

V.Bonakov. Sonata-Ballade. For Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

V.Semyonov. Bulgarian Suite. For Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

   Daichovo Horo
   Gankino Horo

V.Semyonov. Kalina Krasnaya. (* Guelder Rose ). Fantasia on the theme of a song by Jan Frenkel. For Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

V.Semyonov. Don Phapsody. For Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

*Price: 25 €

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Sheet music from the series "Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion" for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part I click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part II click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part III click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part IV
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part I
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part II
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part III
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part IV
click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part V click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part VI click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part VII click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part VIII
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part V
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part VI
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part VII
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part IX Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part X
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part IX
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part X

Video demo: Vladislav Zolotaryov. Sonata No. 3. Performed by Adam Maksymienko, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Vladislav Zolotaryov. Sonata No. 3. Performed by Iosif Purits, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Zubitsky. Carpathian Suite. Performed by Yury Kipen, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Zubitsky. Carpathian Suite. Part 4 - Finale. Performed by Mykola Dzyurakh, accordion

Video demo: V.Zubitsky. Carpathian Suite. Parts 2,4. Performed by Vasyl Kravchuk, accordion

Video demo: V.Bonakov. Sonata-Ballade. Fragment 1(4). Performed by Boban Nicolic, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Bonakov. Sonata-Ballade. Fragment 2(4). Performed by Boban Nicolic, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Bonakov. Sonata-Ballade. Fragment 3(4). Performed by Boban Nicolic, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Bonakov. Sonata-Ballade. Fragment 4(4). Performed by Boban Nicolic, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Semyonov. Bulgarian Suite. Performed by Vyacheslav Semyonov, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Semyonov. Bulgarian Suite. Performed by Volodymyr Kurylenko, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Semyonov. Kalina Krasnaya. (* Guelder Rose ). Fantasy on a song by Jan Frenkel. Performed by Yury Sidorov, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Semyonov. Kalina Krasnaya. (* Guelder Rose ). Fantasy on a song by Jan Frenkel. Performed by Yury Shishkin, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Semyonov. Don Phapsody. 3d Tale. Performed by Vyacheslav Semyonov, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Semyonov. Don Phapsody. Performed by Alexandr Kolomiytsev,accordion

FOREWORD to 1990 year Anthology VII edition

Part Seven of our „Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion" contains selections from this country's accordion music of the seventies. That decade saw the definitive consolidation of position of the new-type bayan - the multi-timbre fixed-and-freebass button-key accordion. The modernized accordion came to be used as a vehicle for expression of a wide range of most profound thoughts and feelings, with expressive devices becoming ever more varied and refined. Creative musicians, writing for the instrument, started making extensive use of dodecaphony, sonoristics, and other textural innovations.

At the same time, composers went on to draw on the wealth of musical folklore. They succeeded in reflecting, in a new manner, the daily round of the contemporary Russian country-folk, the originality of the Carpathian Hutsul music-making, of the Don Cossack melopoeia, of the intricate Bulgarian rhythms.

All the composers presented in this volume are professional accordionists, all of them are perfect performers. Especially significant, as regards both the development of the art of playing the instrument and the enrichment of the relevant repertoire, is the Third Sonata by Vl. Zolotaryov, a splended piece of chamber music, radically novel in respect of the technique of accordionistic writing; its influence makes itself felt in quite a few accordion compositions brought into existence in the seventies and eighties.

The works included in the present edition are frequently played in the concert hall as well as in the classroom; you will also find them on the programmes of a number of national and international performers' competitions.

Zolotaryov, Vladislav Andreyevich (1942-75), composer. Graduated from the class of N. A. Lesnoi (button accordion) at the Magadan Secondary School of Music in 1968. Thereupon, he studied composition under R. K. Shchedrin (by way of consultation, 1968-69) and under T. N. Khrennikov (at the Moscow Conservatoire, 1971-72). - An oratorio (Monument to the Revolution); compositions for symphony orchestra and for chamber orchestra; string quartets; vocal music. - His accordion works are justly considered exceptionally important factors in the making of a repertoire of original compositions for the multi-timbre fixed-and-freebass button-key accordion.

Zubitsky, Vladimir Danilovich (b. 1953), composer, performer. First prize at the „World Cup" International Competition in Helsinki (1975). Graduated from the class of V. V. Besfamilnov (button accordion) at the Kiev Conservatoire in 1976, from the class of M. M. Skorik (composition) thereat in 1977, and from the class of V. B. Gnedysh (conducting) in 1979. Since 1976, soloist on the staff of UKRCONCERT. Member of the USSR Composers Union (since 1978). - An opera, a symphony, chamber and vocal music, numerous large-scale compositions for button accordion.

, Yevgeny Petrovich (b. 1949), composer, performer. Graduated from the class of A. N. Gus (button accordion) at the Gnesins Institute of Music, Moscow, in 1973; he also studied composition under Yu. Yu. Shishakov. Since 1974, Instructor (in playing the button accordion) at the Oryol Secondary School of Music. Member of the USSR Composers Union (since 1988). - Orchestral, ensemble and solo compositions for Russian folk instruments.

Bonakov, Vladimir Mikhailovich (b. 1940), performer, teacher, composer. Second prize at the International Competition in Klingenthal, GDR (1970). Honoured Artist of the Russian Federation (1982). Graduated from the class of N. Ya. Chaikin (button accordion) at the Gnesins Institute of Music, Moscow, in 1963; he also studied composition under G. I. Litinsky. In 1972, he completed special courses in accordion playing at the Gorky Conservatoire (under the guidance of N. Ya. Chaikin). Since 1958, accordion teacher at the musical schools of different cities of the USSR. Since 1970, Instructor (in accordion playing) at the 3rd Moscow Region Secondary School of Music in the town of Electrostal. Soloist on the staff of MOSCONCERT (since 1975). - Compositions for Russian folk instruments orchestra, vocal music, numerous concert and instructive pieces for button accordion.

Semyonov, Vyacheslav Anatolyevich (b. 1946), performer, teacher, composer. Diploma (V) at the International Competition in Klingenthal, GDR (1967). Bronze medal at the 9th World Youth Festival in Sofia (1968). Honoured Artist of the Russian Federation (1977). Graduated from the class of A. A. Surkov (button accordion) at the Gnesins Institute of Music, Moscow, in 1969; in 1974, he completed special courses thereat (under the guidance of O. M. Agarkov). He also studied composition at the Rostov Institute of Music (under A. I. Kusyakov, 1979-82). Since 1969, head of the Folk Instruments Department of the Rostov Institute of Music (since 1983, Professor). Since 1988, Professor at the Gnesins Institute of Music, Moscow. - A number of compositions for button accordion.

M. Imkhanitsky, F. Lips
Tr.: V. Yerokhin

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.