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Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part IV
Anthologie des compositions pour l'accordéon bouton. Partie IV

Language: Russian-English
Number of pages: 160


Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


N.Chaikin. Sonata No. 1 in B minor (h-moll) for Accordion (Bayan)Video of this piece bellow on page

N.Chaikin. Lyrical Waltz for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

N.Chaikin. Humoresque for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

N.Chaikin. Toccata for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

N.Chaikin. Russian Minstrelsy (*Skomoroshyna) for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

N.Chaikin. Passacaglia for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

A.Kholminov. Suite for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page
   I Song
   II Scherzo
   III Nocturne
   IV Finale

Yu.Shishakov. Pathetic Improvisation for Accordion (Bayan)

Yu.Shishakov. Prelude and Toccata for Accordion (Bayan)

V.Dikusarov. Scherzo for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

V.Dikusarov. Prelude in B minor (b-moll) for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

G.Shenderyov. Prelude and Toccata for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

*Price: 25 ˆ

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Sheet music from the series "Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion" for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part I click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part II click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part III click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part IV
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part I
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part II
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part III
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part IV
click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part V click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part VI click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part VII click to go to page - Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part VIII
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part V
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part VI
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part VII
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part IX Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion. Part X
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part IX
of Compositions
for Button Accordion.
Part X

Video demo: N.Chaikin. Sonata No. 1 in B minor. Performed by V.Krasnopyorov, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: N.Chaikin. Sonata No. 1 (2 - 4 parts) in B minor. Performed by Mikhail Tokayev, accordion

Video demo: N.Chaikin. Lyrical Waltz. Performed by Vladimir Besfamilnov, accordion (bayan)
(The piece sounds from 11:31 till 15:02)

Video demo: N.Chaikin. Lyrical Waltz. Performed by Boris Poteryayev, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: N.Chaikin. Humoresque. Performed by Victor Golubnichy, accordion (bayan)
(The piece starts from 1:07:10)

Video demo: N.Chaikin. Toccata. Performed by Vladimir Besfamilnov, accordion (bayan)
(The piece sounds from 15:07 till 17:44)

Video demo: N.Chaikin. Russian Minstrelsy (*Skomoroshyna). Performed by Vladimir Besfamilnov, accordion (bayan)
(The piece sounds from 17:50)

Video demo: N.Chaikin. Passacaglia. Performed by Arhkady Shkvorov, accordion (bayan)
(Attention! The piece starts from 15:55 and lasts till 22:20)

Video demo: A.Kholminov. Suite. Performed by Yuri Sidorov, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Dikusarov. Scherzo. Performed by Valeriya Belyayevskova, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Dikusarov. Scherzo. Performed by Andrey Dikoyev, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: V.Dikusarov. Prelude in B minor (b-moll). Performed by Olexandr Kropyvny, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: G.Shenderyov. Prelude and Toccata. Performed by Andrey Noviznov, accordion (bayan)

FOREWORD to 1987 year Anthology IV edition

Part Four of the "Anthology of Compositions for Button Accordion" contains noteworthy pieces of this country's original accordion music of the forties, fifties and sixties — compositions by N. Chaikin, A. Kholminov, Yu. Shishakov, V. Dikusarov, G. Shenderyov. The works included in the present volume, easily understood by the public at large, are highly significant in terms of aesthetics. They are sincere, genuinely expressive, rich in melodies, ingenious in texture. Therefore, they are still frequently played both in the concert-hall and in the classroom. As a matter of fact, these compositions belong to the core of the original repertoire of the button accordion — a full,and equal participant of the chamber segment of art music.

Chaikin, Nikolai Yakovlevich (b. 1915), composer, teacher. Graduated from the Kiev Conservatoire in 1940 — in composition (under L. N. Revutsky, V. S. Kosenko and B. N. Lyatoshinsky) and in piano-playing (under A. N. Lufer). Member of the USSR Composers' Union (since 1944). Honoured Master of the Fine Arts of the RSFSR (1980). From 1951 to 1964, Instructor at the Gnesins Institute of Music, Moscow. Since 1964, on the staff of the Gorky Conservatoire: Instructor (until 1972) and, subsequently, Professor. — Choral music; numerous compositions for symphony orchestra, Russian folk instruments orchestra, wind band, light orchestra; ensemble and solo pieces for various instruments. "A Course in Playing from Orchestral Score (Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra)". — His works for button accordion have constituted a highly important chapter in the history of accordion music.

Kholminov, Alexander Nikolayevich (b. 1925), composer. Graduated from the class of Ye. K. Golubev (composition) at the Moscow Conservatoire in 1950. Member of the USSR Composers' Union since 1950. State Prize of the USSR (1978). National Artist of the USSR (1985).— Operas (Optimistic Tragedy, Chapayev, The Overcoat, The Carnage, and others); semi-orchestral music (compositions for symphony orchestra with vocal parts); music for Russian folk instruments orchestra. — The Suite for button accordion (1951) is a generally acknowledged master-work of accordion music.

Shishakov, Yury Nikolayevich (b. 1925), composer, teacher. Graduated from the class of M. F. Gnesin (composition) at the Gnesins Institute of Music, Moscow, in 1948. Member of the USSR Composers' Union (since 1949). Honoured Master of the Fine Arts of the RSFSR (1971). On the staff of the Gnesins Institute of Music, Moscow: Instructor (1848-77), Head of the Department of Folk Instruments (1966-74), Professor (since 1977). — Two symphonies; a symphony for Russian folk instruments orchestra; an oratorio (Songs of the Village of Shushenskoye); numerous solo compositions for piano, harp, various folk instruments (balalaika, domra, button accordion, gusli); ensemble pieces; vocal music, etc. A manual of instrumentation for Russian folk instruments orchestra; a number of pedagogical writings. — His orchestral, ensemble and solo compositions for Russian folk instruments have become indispensable to the instrumentalists' repertoire.

Dikusarov, Victor Vasilyevich (b. 1932), composer, teacher. Graduated from the class of V. P. Bazilevich (button accordion) at the Odessa Conservatoire in 1957. Extramural postgraduate studies under M. M. Gelis at the Kiev Conservatoire (1961-65). — Two concertos for button accordion and orchestra; a number of character pieces, studies, arrangements for button accordion.

Shenderyov, Georgy Grigoryevich (1937-84), composer (admitted into the USSR Composers' Union), teacher, concert performer. Graduated from the class of V. M. Kravchenko (button accordion), and from the class of N. V. Zhornyak (composition), at the Simferopol Secondary School of Music in 1958. Continued his studies in the class of N. A. Chaikin (button accordion) at the Gnesins Institute of Music, Moscow. Performed (solo and accompaniment) for the Yalta Philharmonic Society. — Compositions for Russian folk instruments orchestra; original compositions and arrangements for button accordion.

M. Imkhanitsky, F. Lips
Tr.: V. Yerokhin

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.