Volodymyr Kurylenko - accordion (bayan) player
from Ukraine

K&N Music Studio = www.studio.volod.com.ua =

Concerts by Volodymyr Kurylenko

2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2007  2006  2005  2004


concerts info and reservations:
Michel van der Maesen de Sombreff (the Netherlands)
m +31(0)6 21 53 20 93


The Netherlands Heerlen Theater Lexor  Willemsstraat 42 11 May at 20.15
Belgium Teuven Café Modern/Patriazaal 13 May at 20.00
Belgium Liege 'Cercle de l'orgue et piano' Rue de Fragnée 155 (at Gare Guillemins) 26 May at 20.00
The Netherlands Roermond CK-Theater, Jesuitenstraat 4 2 June at 20.00
The Netherlands Maastricht Binnenplaats Hoofdgebouw UM Minderbroedersberg 4/6 Piazzolla-programma i.h.k.v. 30 jaar Universiteit Maastricht 11 June at 21.00
The Netherlands Maastricht Jazz Maastricht, Grote Societeit
13 October,
Friday at 23.15
The Netherlands Geleen Theater Karroessel, Groenseykerstraat 30a
21 October
Saturday, at 20.30
Germany Daun 54550 Evangelische Kirche auf dem Burgberg 29 October
Sunday, at 17.00
The Netherlands Maastricht Sint Janskerk, Vrijthof. Concert with Slavic-Byzantine choir Cantus ex Corde.
Afterwards in Groote Sociëteit aan het Vrijthof
5 November
Sunday, at 14.30


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©2004-2025 Volodymyr Kurylenko  - bayan (button-accordion) player from Ukraine || Last update: 05.01.2022. You are visitor number 753172