Attention! Three books on page bellow!
Young Accordion Players Ensembles. Volume 1. Pieces for Accordion (Bayan) Duo
Compiled and edited by Petro Serotyuk
Language: Ukrainian Number of pages: 42
Difficulty level:
Beginner -
Intermediate -
Here's zipped demo in JPG format
Content :
R.Bazhylin . Little Cuckoo. For Accordion DUO
R.Bazhylin . Automobile. For Accordion DUO
R.Bazhylin . Umbrellas. For Accordion DUO
R.Bazhylin . Lightnings. For Accordion DUO
R.Bazhylin . After the Rain. For Accordion DUO
R.Bazhylin . Serpentine. For Accordion DUO
G.Belyayev . Suite "Teremok". For Accordion DUO
1. Morning on the Lawn
2. Little Mouse
3. Little Hare
4. A Fox
5. A Wolf
6. Little Hedgehog
7. A Bear
*Price : 15 €
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Young Accordion Players Ensembles. Volume 2. Pieces for Accordion (Bayan) Duo
Compiled and edited by Petro Serotyuk
Language: Ukrainian Number of pages: 31
Difficulty level:
Beginner -
Intermediate -
Bass: FREE
Here's zipped demo in JPG format
Content :
Oy z-za Hory Kamyanoyi (*Oh, Behind the Rochky Mountain). Ukrainian Folk Song.
Arranged by M.Rizol . Transcription for Accordion DUO by D.Ilyin
Oy Chyi To Kin' Stoyit' (*Oh, Whose Horse is That). Ukrainian Folk Song.
Arranged by M.Rizol . Transcription for Accordion DUO by D.Ilyin
Gagilka (*Spring Song). Ukrainian Folk Song.
Arranged by S.Lyudkevych. Transcription for Accordion DUO by D.Ilyin
J.S.Bach . Air - Part II from Orchestral Suite No.3 in D major, BWV 1068.
Transcription for Accordion DUO by D.Ilyin
J.S.Bach . Organ Fantasy in C Minor, BWV 562.
Transcription for Accordion DUO by D.Ilyin
V.Zubytsky (Zubitsky ). Burlesque.
From Children Suite No. 3 .
Transcription for Accordion DUO by D.Ilyin
(available for accordion SOLO )
A.Piazzolla. Contrabajeando.
Transcription for Accordion DUO by D.Ilyin
*Price :15 €
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Video demo: J.S.Bach. Air from Orchestral Suite No.3 in D major BWV, 1068 .
Performed by Voices of Music
Video demo: Vladimir Zubitsky. Children Suite No.3 "Ukrainian" - Piece 2: Burlesque .
Performed by accordion DUO Dmytro Tereshchenko and
Daryna Rudenko
Young Accordion Players Ensembles. Volume 3. Pieces for Accordion (Bayan) Duo
Compiled and edited by Petro Serotyuk
Language: Ukrainian Number of pages: 32
Difficulty level:
Beginner -
Intermediate -
Here's zipped demo in JPG format
Content :
G.Belyayev . Suite "Visiting Grandma" for Accordion DUO
1. Sun Went Down
2. My Grandma
3. Summer Rain
4. Finding Strawberries
5. Woodpecker and Cuckoo
6. Wonderful Present
G.Belyayev . Suite "Slavic" for Accordion DUO
1. Old Rus
2. Oy, za Hayem, Haem (*Oh, Behond the Woods). Ukrainian Folk Song
3. Poyihaly Sanky u Ivanky (*Sleigh Went to Ivanky). Belorussian Folk Song
4. Yihav Kozak za Dunay (*Cossack went behind Danube-river). Ukrainian Folk Song
5. Guslar and Buffoons
*Price :15 €
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Sheet music, partitions, scores, tutorials, compilations by Petro Serotyuk
for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon / Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka /
Bajan / Akordeon: