Sheet music for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon published
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Modern Concert Repertoire for Button Accordion.
Edited and compiled by Oleg Sharov

Language: Russian-English
Number of pages: 85

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced

Bass: FREE

Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


Victor Vlasov. A Sheet from the Parisian Album for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

V.Sapozhnikov. Spring Music. Suite for free bass button accordion

I. Morning Lightenings
II. And Thousands of Wonders
III. April Reed-Pipes
IV. Silent Rays
V. Sun Festival

V.Rimsha. Sonata No. 2 (Halleluiah) for Accordion (Bayan)

L.Prigozhyn. SONATA No. 2 for Accordion (Bayan)


B.Precz. Rondo-Tarantella for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

*Price: 20 €

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Video demo: Victor Vlasov. A Sheet from the Parisian Album. Performed by Oleg Sharov, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: B.Precz. Rondo-Tarantella. Performed by Alevtina Nikitina, accordion (bayan)

From the editor-compiler

What is modern accordionist's repertoire? This is good music, first of all. Modern concert chromatic accordions appear, nourishing music texture with new technical methods. However, this influence should be bilateral, for new skillfully composed music also makes for the new performing devices to come into being. Such an interpenetration of the music and instrument itself is a wonderful ground for the new generation to be brought up.

Here you are the collection of pieces undergoing their first publication right now.

The Sheet from the Parisian Album by Viktor Vlasov (born 1936) refers to 2002. This is a scene somewhere in the Parisian cafe. The air itself seems to shed the flair of waltz-Boston with its harmonies, rests, melodic effusions and rubato.

The suite Spring Music by Vladimir Sapozhnikov (born 1943) refers to 1983. Five little movements are different states of the spring nature imbibed with I. Stravinsky's heathen-like characters. The free bass button accordion's peculiarities are used here by the author: side registers are exposed here, so as bellows, clusters etc. It was an achievement that time.

The Petersburgian composer Vyacheslav Rimsha (born 1955) has composed three sonatas for the button accordion. His Sonata No. 2 "Halleluiah" ("Rejoice and praise the God") appeared in 1986. This is a church service; holiday mass it is with clear orthodox chants (both Slavonic and Greek ones). Its melodic line is the burst of inspiration. Apparently, this is the first time, when concert button accordion is used as a mean of depiction. Numerous episodes of church action fill this large-scaled composition of one movement; however, confrontation is substituted for mutual co-existence.

Sonata No. 2 by Lyutsian Prigozhyn (1926-1994) dates 1988, being one of the latest opuses by the well-known master. Unlike his first sonata for button accordion, distinct for folk elements, his second sonata is the combination of inner force, introspection (the 2nd movement) and dazzling energy and humour (the 1st and 3d movements). The whole material is satiated with most agile orchestra facture and vigour. Major seventh is revealed as the melodic base in all the movements. Concert button accordion is used as a little wind ensemble (e. g. the wind quintet consisting of the flute, hautboy, clarinet, bassoon and French-horn).

Rondo-Tarantella by the contemporary Polish composer Bogdan Precz (1960-1996) is his last opus for button accordion, dating 1996. Sparkling humour is innate in Precz provoking innovative performing means in facture, fingering and bellow technique, thus stirring contemporary concert button accordion.

Oleg Sharov,
Honoured Artist of Russia, professor,
Head of the Accordion Department
at the St. Petersburg State Conservatoire
Translated by Asya Ardova

Sheet music (partitions) with compositions, arrangements, compilations by Oleg Sharov for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

Modern Concert
Repertoire for
by O.Sharov
Folk Melodies.
Concert Transcriptions
for Accordion.
Volume 1.
by O.Sharov
Folk Melodies.
Concert Transcriptions
for Accordion.
Volume 2.
by O.Sharov
Folk Melodies.
Concert Transcriptions
for Accordion.
Volume 3.
by O.Sharov
Variety Pieces
for Accordion.
Volume 1.
by O.Sharov
Variety Pieces
for Accordion.
Volume 2.
by O.Sharov
Sonata No. 1.
by O.Sharov
Sonata No. 3.
by O.Sharov
Variations on
a Russian theme.
for accordion
by O.Sharov

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.