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Anthology of Accordion (Bayan) Ensemble. Playing Music Joyfully - Volume 4.
Instrumental Pieces Accompanied on Accordion (Bayan) - DUO and TRIO.
Compiled by Victor Bryzgalin.

Language: Russian.
Number of pages: 118

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


*** Instrumental Accordion DUO ***

C.W.Gluck. Mélodie / Melody from opera "Orfeo ed Euridice". For Accordion (Bayan) and Violin DUO Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Intermezzo. For Accordion (Bayan) and Domra (Violin) DUO

Ye.Derbenko. Russian Intermezzo. For Accordion (Bayan) and Domra (Violin) DUO Video of this piece bellow on page

A.Mordukhovich. Etude Impromptu. For Accordion (Bayan) and Domra (Violin) DUO

A.Trofimov - T.Volskaya. Ukrainian Folk Song "Nich Yaka Misyachna" (* How Moonlit is the Night). For Accordion (Bayan) and Domra (Violin) DUO

A.Trofimov - T.Volskaya. Tumbalalaika. Fantasy on Jewish Themes. For Accordion (Bayan) and Domra (Violin) DUO Video of this piece bellow on page

N.Malygin. Russian Folk Song "Oy, To Ne Vecher" (* Oh, It's Not the Evening). For Accordion (Bayan) and Balalaika (Domra) DUO Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Evening Tune (Evening Motif). For Accordion (Bayan) and Balalaika (Domra) DUO Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Concert Variations on a Russian Folk Song "Kamarinskaya". For Accordion (Bayan) and Balalaika DUO

Ye.Derbenko. Songs of the Hungarian Gypsies. Transcription for Accordion (Bayan) and Balalaika DUO by A.Lukonin
(available for Accordion (Bayan) SOLO) Video of this piece bellow on page

N.Malygin. Tarantella. For Accordion (Bayan) and any other Solo Instrument DUO

V.Kharlamov. Classical Miniature. For Accordion (Bayan) and Flute or any other Solo Instrument DUO

V.Kharlamov. Conversation with Saxophone. Musical Picture. For Accordion (Bayan) and Saxophone (in Es) DUO
(also available for Accordion (Bayan) and clarinet (in B)
Can be played with any Solo Instrument changing tonality and the name of the piece.
For example "Conversation with Violin" etc.)
Video of this piece bellow on page

V.Vlasov. Bossa Nova. For Accordion (Bayan) and Flute or any other Solo Instrument DUO
(available for Accordion (Bayan) SOLO) Video of this piece bellow on page

V.Vlasov. Odessa Rap. For Accordion (Bayan) and Violin (Domra) DUO
(available for Accordion (Bayan) SOLO) Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Bouquet of Roses. For Accordion (Bayan) and Violin (Domra) DUO Video of this piece bellow on page

I.Yakushenko - V.Kholshchevnikov. Two Pieces from "Jazz Album". For Accordion (Bayan) and Cello DUO

Night Sky
Old Little Puffer (Locomotive)

*** Instrumental Accordion TRIO ***

A.Marcello - A.Vivaldi. Adagio in D minor. For TRIO: Accordion (Bayan) and 2 Violins or any other Solo Instruments.
Transcription by Ye.Petrov
Video of this piece bellow on page

Luigi Boccherini. Minuet from String Quintet in E, Op. 11, No. 5 (G 275) For TRIO: Accordion (Bayan) and 2 Violins or any other Solo Instruments.
Transcription by Ye.Petrov
Video of this piece bellow on page

Carlos Gardel. Por Una Cabeza. Tango. For TRIO: Accordion (Bayan) and 2 Violins or any other Solo Instruments.
Transcription by Ye.Petrov
Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Polka. For TRIO: Accordion (Bayan) and 2 Domras or any other Solo Instruments Video of this piece bellow on page

Ya.Frenkel - A.Mordukhovich. Goodbye Waltz from movie "The Women". For TRIO: Accordion (Bayan) and 2 Domras or any other Solo Instruments

*Price: 25 €

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Sheet music from the series "Anthology of Accordion (Bayan) Ensemble. Playing Music Joyfully" for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

Anthology of
Accordion Ensemble.
Playing Music
Joyfully -
Volume 1
Anthology of
Accordion Ensemble.
Playing Music
Joyfully -
Volume 2
Anthology of
Accordion Ensemble.
Playing Music
Joyfully -
Volume 3
Anthology of
Accordion Ensemble.
Playing Music
Joyfully -
Volume 4
Anthology of
Accordion Ensemble.
Playing Music
Joyfully -
Volume 5
Anthology of
Accordion Ensemble.
Playing Music
Joyfully -
Volume 6

Video demo: C.W.Gluck. Mélodie / Melody from opera "Orfeo ed Euridice".
Performed by AKKO quartet, accordions (bayans)
(The piece in this edition is for violin and accordion DUO)

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Russian Intermezzo.
Performed by P.Ukhanov, harmonica and A.Kulebyakin, domra

Video demo: A.Trofimov - T.Volskaya. Tumbalalaika. Fantasy on Jewish Themes.
Performed by

Video demo: N.Malygin. Russian Folk Song "Oy, To Ne Vecher" (* Oh, It's Not the Evening).
Performed by

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Evening Tune (Evening Motif).
Performed by Quartet "Dyvohray"
(The piece in this edition is for balalaika (domra, violin) and accordion DUO)

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Songs of the Hungarian Gypsies.
Performed by Alexandr Sbitnev, accordion (bayan)
(The piece in this edition is for balalaika and accordion (bayan) DUO)

Video demo: V.Kharlamov. Conversation with Clarinet. For Accordion (Bayan) and Clarinet.
Performed by Iryna Serotyuk accordion (bayan) and Vladimir Gitin, clarinet

Video demo: Victor Vlasov. Bossa Nova.
Performed by Volodymyr Kurylenko, accordion (bayan)
(The piece in this edition is for solo instrument (flute etc.) and accordion (bayan) DUO)

Video demo: Victor Vlasov. Odessa Rap.
Performed by Khrystyna Andrukhiv (violin) and Iryna Serotyuk, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Bouquet of Roses.
Performed by harmonica instrumental ensemble

Video demo: A.Marcello - A.Vivaldi. Adagio in D minor.
Performed by Artash Terzian, violin and Marina Shamba, organ
(The piece in this edition is for accordion (bayan) and two solo instruments TRIO)

Video demo: Luigi Boccherini. Minuet from String Quintet in E, Op. 11, No. 5 (G 275).
Performed by Accordion (Bayan) DUO: Mykhailo Nazarchuk and Oleksandr Orlov
(The piece in this edition is for accordion (bayan) and two solo instruments TRIO)

Video demo: Carlos Gardel. Por Una Cabeza.
Performed by Carlos Gardel
(The piece in this edition is for accordion (bayan) and two solo instruments TRIO)

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Polka.
Performed by instrumental ensemble
(The piece in this edition is for accordion (bayan) and two solo instruments TRIO)

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.