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Yury Peshkov. Variety compositions for Accordion. Volume 2

Language: English-Russian
Number of pages: 47

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Yury Peshkov. A Post Troika is Rushing. Variations on the Theme of Russian Folk Song. For accordion

Yury Peshkov. Variations on Jocular Swedish Theme. For accordion

Yury Peshkov. Moldavian Softly Playing. For accordion

Yury Peshkov. Dark Eyes. Variations on the Theme of Russian Folk Song. For accordion Video of this piece bellow on page

*Price: 20 €

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Video demo: Yury Peshkov. Dark Eyes. Variations on the Theme of Russian Folk Song.
Performed by: Sergey Chernoivanov, accordion

Sheet music (partitions) from the series "Yury Peshkov. Variety compositions for Accordion. Volume 1 - 5" for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

for Accordion.
Volume 1
for Accordion.
Volume 2
for Accordion.
Volume 3
for Accordion
Solo and DUO.
Volume 4
for Accordion
Volume 5

Sheet music (partitions) with compositions, arrangements by Yury Peshkov / Yuri Peshkov for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

for Accordion.
Volume 1
for Accordion.
Volume 2
for Accordion.
Volume 3
for Accordion
Solo and DUO.
Volume 4
for Accordion
Volume 5
Parisian Waltz;
For Accordion
For Accordion
Greeting Waltz
1) Tango;
2) Waltz;
3) Boogie-Woogie;
4) Step
1) Pendulum;
2) Joke;
3) Snow-Storm
Moldavian Tunes

Yury Peshkov was born May 29, 1940 in Leningrad. Since 1946 he constantly lives in Riga (Latvia). The first teacher of music was his father, the amateur bayan player who did not know a musical notation. He began to train the son in playing accordion from 9-years age, on hearing. Regular education Yury began at 16 years, having studied in 1956 on evening accordion courses at children's musical school No.l in Riga (the teacher - Oscar Strautinsh, brought up a plenty accordionists - performers and teachers of Latvia) Studied easily and quickly, having ended a five years' curriculum for 3 years then, in 1958 Yu. Peshkov has entered the 4-th course of musical college of Yelgava (the class of V. Miezitis).

In 1959 Yu. Peshkov was called up for military service, served in a model orchestra of a staff of Baltic military district where has learned to play contrabass, that appreciably promoted extension of a musical outlook as the repertoire of an orchestra included a plenty of works of world classics.

In 1971 Yu. Peshkov has ended the Lithuanian State conservatory in Vilnius (class of senior lecturer A. Bajka).

In 1961 he began his pedagogical activity as the teacher of accordion at Children's musical school No. 1 of Riga. Since 1966 he has headed open branch of national instruments of musical college at the Latvian State conservatory where has worked prior to the beginning of 90th years, simultaneously heading methodical work in republic as the chairman of section of national music instruments of the Methodical study of the Ministry of culture of Latvia.

For the period of pedagogical work Yu. Peshkov has brought up set of winners of republican and international competitions at the level of musical colleges and children's musical schools who now work not only in Latvia, but also in many other countries - in Russia, Germany, Israel etc. Yu. Peshkov was the chairman and the judge of many musical competitions, which were taking place in Baltic countries.

The beginning of performing activity of the musician was in 1957 when Yu. Peshkov became the winner of competition of national creativity of Latvia, which was taking place within the framework of preparation for the World festival of youth and students in Moscow. During competition acquaintance to V. Epifanov (Omsk) subsequently known as the teacher, at that time living in Riga which the same as also Yu. Peshkov became the winner of this competition was held. Further he in many respects has positively affected performing and pedagogical activity of young accordionist, helping advice, a musical material, knowledges.

Since 1959 (with small breaks) Yu. Peshkov long time was the soloist of instrumental ensemble under A. Prieditis' management, and in a consequence himself conducted over many instrumental collectives during all creative activity. Numerous performances in programs of the Latvian radio and TV, and also tours on Latvia and abroad limits in many respects have predetermined the further career of the musician. Then Yu. Peshkov's author's works that with interest were accepted by public for the first time have sounded.

Since 1964 Yu. Peshkov worked as the soloist of the Byelorussian state philharmonic society (Minsk) in structure of instrumental ensemble under V. Muljavin management. In the same place he has got acquainted with outstanding accordionist B. Veksler (living now in USA), possessing masterly performing art and inimitable virtuosity which career was in zenith of glory. Some compositions from his repertoire were included in Yu. Peshkov's concert repertoire.

In 50-60th years there was a problem with purchasing an original musical material. For updating repertoire it was necessary to copy on hearing records from an air, casual plates. So Yu. Peshkov has got acquainted with artistry of Art Van Damme, Dick Contino, Andre Verchuren and other accordionist, world stars. Imitating a manner of playing of great masters of a jazz and musette, the young musician gradually perfected own style of performance. It was the good school of training to possession of the instrument - when simply musical text, but also a manner of the performer, orchestral inserts, a palette of various ornaments and other nuances which, as a rule, are not reflected in the musical text are copied not. This school has considerably helped the musician with the further pedagogical work with students and pupils of musical colleges and schools. Being engaged in teaching activity, Yu. Peshkov always in parallel tries to perfect the mastery, supporting the technical form, forming new concert repertoire.

Prior to the beginning of 90th years Yu. Peshkov was the soloist of the Riga concert association. In different time the musician was the soloist in structure of accordion orchestras under Yu. Ryzhov's (Riga), V. Nikandrov's (Limbazhi), V. Hodukin's (Daugavpils) management, and also acted with the known Lithuanian accordion quintet "Concertino" under the direction of professor R. Sviackevichius (Vilnius). Geography of concert performances: Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Byelorussia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Germany etc.

In 1994 by the firm "Ritonis-market" the audiocassette with author's works was issued. Different pieces were included in gold fund of All-Union radio, and the radio station "Mayak" (Moscow) repeatedly broadcast programs about artistry of the musician.

In the period since 1991 to 1995 various publishing houses issued some of Yu. Peshkov's compositions in various collections.

One of the first performers of Yu. Peshkov's works became brilliant accordionist A.Vasin (living now in USA), the student of the known teacher and conductor V. Hodukin (Daugavpils, Latvia). Yu. Peshkov's compositions were included in repertoire of many leading modern performers: V. Tamman (Estonia), Saint-Petersburg Musette Ensemble (Saint-Petersburg) with V. Ushakov and S. Likhachov participation, "Collage" trio with O. Bychkov, D. Gvozdkov and Yu. Gorobets in structure (Saint-Petersburg), S. Abkerimov (Moscow), L. Shljakonite (Lithuania) and many others.

Even more often Yu. Peshkov's compositions sound on various musical forums of Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy etc. In middle of 90th years the piece "Waltz-Mazurka" was included in the obligatory program of the international competition held in Denmark.

Significant support to Yu. Peshkov's creativity and popularization of his works rendered the professor of the St. Petersburg University of culture and arts N. Kravtsov, having invited to participate in the International accordion school in Saint-Petersburg. The professor of the same University V. Akulovich has organized a cycle of programs on the radio of Saint-Petersburg devoted to artistry of the composer and the musician.

Popularity of Yu. Peshkov's creativity steadily grows, the musician is full of a creative power - he actively gives concerts and is engaged in pedagogical work.

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.