Sheet music for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon published
in Ukraine and Other Countries

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Artem Nizhnik (Nyzhnyk) (Nizhnik). Pieces and Transcriptions for Accordion (Bayan). Volume 1
For accordion / bayan / accordeon / akkordeon / dragspel / harmonikka / harmonica solo

Language: Ukrainian-English
Number of pages: 47

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


Artem Nizhnik (Nyzhnyk). Partita No 2 "Mactoub" for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

H.Purcell. Dido's Lament. From opera "Dido and Aeneass" (Transcription for accordion (bayan) by A.Nizhnik (Nyzhnyk)) Video of this piece bellow on page

Artem Nizhnik (Nyzhnyk). Lamento. For accordion (bayan)

S.Slonimsky. Intermezzo in Memory of Brahms (Transcription for accordion (bayan) by A.Nizhnik (Nyzhnyk)) Video of this piece bellow on page

Astor Piazzolla. Tanti Anni Prima (Ave Maria)(Transcription for accordion (bayan) by A.Nizhnik (Nyzhnyk))

*Price: 20 €

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Artem Nizhnik (Nyzhnyk) (born 1980) is one of the leading bayan players among musicians of young generation. Also, he is well-known as a scenic performer, band-master and composer.

Artem Nyzhnyk is a graduator of Prokofiev State Musical Academy, Donetsk, Ukraine. Among his teachers there were E. Vlasenko, V. Voyevodin, a National Artist of Ukraine, V. Ivko and V. Oliynyk, Honored Artists of Ukraine. Additionally, he attended classes, conducted by Professor E. Moser at the HMTMH, Hannover, Germany. Artem Nyzhnyk was a prize-winner in many international music contests. He participated in many music festivals in France, Austria, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, and in many other countries.

Artem Nyzhnyk possesses awards from Academy of Arts of Ukraine and a grant for talented youth from President of Ukraine. He is a member of National Union of Composers of Ukraine.

This book includes the transcriptions composed for Paolo Neto, a Portuguese bayan-player, and Artem Nyzhnyk's own works.

The author is grateful to P. Serotyuk for his assistance in preparing of the book to print, and to Professor V. Grachov for his assistance in editing and compiling the text and music notations.

Video demo: Artem Nyzhnyk. Partita No 2 "Mactoub" for Accordion (Bayan). Part 3.
Performed by Vladimir Kirasirov, guitar, Evgenia Markova, domra, Rolando Fernandez Lara, cello
and Volodymyr Kurylenko, accordion (bayan).
(Attention! The music sheets above are for accordion / bayan SOLO)

Video demo: Artem Nyzhnyk. Partita No 2 "Mactoub" for Accordion (Bayan). Parts 3 and 4. Performed by Yekaterina Glotova, accordion

Video demo: H.Purcell. When I am laid in earth (Dido's Lament). Performed by Alison Moyet

Video demo: S.Slonimsky. Intermezzo in Memory of Brahms. Performed by Sergey Ozerov, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: S.Slonimsky. Intermezzo in Memory of Brahms. Performed by

Sheet music with compositions and transcriptions by Artem Nizhnik / Nyzhnyk (born 1980) for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

Artem Nizhnik.
Sonata No. 2
for Accordion
in three parts
Artem Nizhnik.
Partita for Accordion
and Orchestra
Artem Nizhnik.
The Last Ray
For Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
For Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
Ukrainian Tales.
Album for Children
and Youth.
Suite for Accordion.
Part I, II ...
Artem Nizhnik.
Concert Triptych
for Accordion
and Orchestra
Artem Nizhnik.
Two Children Pieces
for Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
The Hill of Crosses.
For Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
Three Children Pieces
for Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
For Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
Lithuanian Notebook.
for Accordion
Artem Nizhnik. Partita No. 1 for Accordion Artem Nizhnik. Partita No. 2 Mactoub for Accordion Artem Nizhnik. Partita No. 3 for Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
Partita No. 1
for Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
Partita No. 2
for Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
Partita No. 3
"Déjà Vu"
for Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
for Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
For Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
Coeur de dragon.
pour accordéon *
Artem Nizhnik
Dragon's Heart.
for Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
Sonata for
Accordion Solo
in Two Parts
Artem Nizhnik.
Lullabies for Eliana.
For Violin, Harp
and Accordion.
Score with Parts
Artem Nizhnik.
For Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
Pieces and
for Accordion
Artem Nizhnik.
Sonata for Accordion
in two parts
Artem Nizhnik.
Suite for Accordion
BWV 582.
For Accordion
Caprice No. 15
in E minor.
for accordion
by A.Nizhnik and
Aus der Tiefe Rufe Ich
BWV 745.
For Accordion
Prelude, Fugue
and Variations
in B minor, Op.18
For Accordion
A.Vivaldi-A.Nizhnik. Concert a-moll. For accordion duo F.Borne-A.Nizhnik. Carmen Fantasy. For accordion solo
Concert a-moll.
For accordion DUO
Carmen Fantasy.
For accordion solo
N.Paganini-A.Nizhnik. Caprice No15. For accordion solo W.A.Mozart-A.Nizhnik. Adagio from Piano Concert No 23, A-dur. For accordion solo H.Purcell-A.Nizhnik. Dido's Lament. From opera "Dido and Aeneass". For accordion solo G.Shenderyov. Russian Dance. For accordion duo
Caprice No. 15
in E minor.
for accordion
by A.Nizhnik and
From Piano Concert
No 23, A-dur
For accordion solo
Dido's Lament.
For accordion solo
Russian Dance.
For accordion DUO

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.