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Attention! Four books on page bellow!

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Instrumental Trio
(Accordion, Violin, Piano)
Compositions from the Repertoire of the Ensemble

Volume 1

Language: English-Russian
Number of pages: 53

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


Claude Bolling. Suite Video of this piece bellow on page

I. Baroque and Blue Video of this piece bellow on page
II. Sentimental Video of this piece bellow on page
III. Javanaise Video of this piece bellow on page

Daniil Kramer. Dancing Violin Player Video of this piece bellow on page

*Price: 20 €

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Video demo: Claude Bolling. Suite. I. Baroque and Blue. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

Video demo: Claude Bolling. Suite. II. Sentimental. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

Video demo: Claude Bolling. Suite. III. Javanaise. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

Video demo: Daniil Kramer. Dancing Violin Player. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

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Instrumental Trio
(Accordion, Violin, Piano)
Compositions from the Repertoire of the Ensemble

Volume 2

Language: English-Russian
Number of pages: 52

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


Faustas Latenas. Nina's Music Video of this piece bellow on page

Yevgeny Derbenko. Ragtime "Surprise". Intermezzo in Country Music Style Video of this piece bellow on page
(available for Accordion DUO in F Major 1) here & 2) here;
for Accordion SOLO in B flat Major here)

Viktor Novikov. Samba "Carnival" Video of this piece bellow on page

*Price: 20 €

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Video demo: Faustas Latenas. Nina's Music. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

Video demo: Yevgeny Derbenko. Ragtime "Surprise". Intermezzo in Country Music Style. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

Video demo: Viktor Novikov. Samba "Carnival". Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

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Instrumental Trio
(Accordion, Violin, Piano)
Compositions from the Repertoire of the Ensemble

Volume 3

Language: English-Russian
Number of pages: 53

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


V.Azarashvili. Spanish Suite Video of this piece bellow on page

1. Corrida Video of this piece bellow on page
2. Bolero Video of this piece bellow on page
3. Serenada Video of this piece bellow on page
4. The Song of Don Quixot Video of this piece bellow on page
5. Jota Video of this piece bellow on page

B.Balan. Concert hora

D.Milhaud. Brazielera

*Price: 20 €

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Video demo: V.Azarashvili. Spanish Suite. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

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Instrumental Trio
(Accordion, Violin, Piano)
Compositions from the Repertoire of the Ensemble

Volume 4

Language: English-Russian
Number of pages: 51

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


Astor Piazzolla. Violentango Video of this piece bellow on page

Astor Piazzolla. Close Your Eyes and Listen Video of this piece bellow on page

Astor Piazzolla. Novitango Video of this piece bellow on page

Astor Piazzolla. Fuga 9

Astor Piazzolla. Milonga del Angel Video of this piece bellow on page

Astor Piazzolla. Libertango Video of this piece bellow on page

Astor Piazzolla. Adios Noniño Video of this piece bellow on page

*Price: 20 €

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Video demo: Astor Piazzolla. Violentango. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

Video demo: Astor Piazzolla. Close Your Eyes and Listen. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

Video demo: Astor Piazzolla. Novitango. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

Video demo: Astor Piazzolla. Milonga del Angel. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

Video demo: Astor Piazzolla. Libertango. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

Video demo: Astor Piazzolla. Adios Noniño. Performed by "Milonga" Instrumental Trio (Accordion, Violin, Piano)

Instrumental Trio "Milonga"

Instrumental trio "Milonga" (Daugavpils, Latvia) was founded in 1997. Since that time trio have been performing many concerts in own city, through Latvia and abroad.

The Group took part in several festivals and won International Competitions, held in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. In April 1999 the Trio participated and won in International Competition "Baltika-Harmonika" (St. Petersburg, Russia).

At the same time music for the first ensemble's album ("Baroque and Blue") was recorded:
Astor Piazzolla - Milonga del Angel, Meditango, Close Your Eyes and Listen, Adios Nonino, Novitango, Libertango; Fausto Latenas - Ninos Muzika; Claude Boiling - Three excerpts from Suite for Flute and Piano: Baroque and Blue, Sentimental, Javanaise; Bogdan Precz - Fusion (In modo di jazz); Victor Novikov - Samba "Carnival"; Yevgeny Derbenko - Intermezzo in Country Music Style (Ragtime "Surprise").

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.